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Why We Chose to Rebrand: A Letter From Our CEO

For over 15 years, ELMNTL has been delivering award-winning marketing campaigns for our valued clients around the world; providing solutions designed to tell our clients’ stories through services such as website design and development, branding, social media management, paid media advertising and influencer marketing. 

As the markets we serve evolve, our mission is to make sure our brand allows us to effectively communicate an image that signals to customers that we are attuned to current trends, committed to innovation and obsessed with performance.  

Introducing the ELMNTL “Explorer”.

Our new theme involves a strategic and creative transformation that reflects our agency’s commitment to adventure, curiosity and the pursuit of uncharted territories within the marketing landscape. It’s about signifying our approach to explore new ideas, strategies, and methods to deliver greater performance for our clients. It reflects ELMNTL’s heritage as a trailblazer, guiding our clients through the complex marketing terrain with a spirit of adventure and expertise. 

Visually, our rebrand incorporates elements that evoke a sense of exploration, such as attributes of the compass and topographic maps, highlighted with images of iconic landscapes. The color palette draws inspiration from earthy tones, reminiscent of undiscovered lands and the natural world. The logo has been redesigned to symbolize a journey or discovery, integrating an icon that conveys forward movement and momentum.

But our branding initiative isn’t just for the market. Equally as important is what it inspires internally for our agency. The “Explorer” exemplifies our emphasis on fostering a culture of continuous learning and experimentation. This rebranding empowers our employees to embrace a mindset of exploration, encouraging them to think outside the box and push the boundaries of conventional marketing practices.

Because at our core, we are more than just marketers… 

We are storytellers. 

We are explorers. 

Let us tell your story. 

Ron Vernon
CEO and Managing Partner


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